THANK YOU & artbook update

first of all i just want to say aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAASFGHJASFAF thank you for all the super kind comments and for every single person who enjoyed my gay ass story. ive read every single  comment. ive even seen people talking about the game on twitter and making lil threads about their experiences and waht they thought. ive sent a screenshots to my gf for almot all of htem being like "LOOK LOOK SOMEONE LIKED MY GAME?!" thats how i feel about them just so you all know even if i dont reply to everything. its great to hear what people thought about it. not only does it serve as the best motivation for why i do this but it also helps me see what kind of stuff others get excited about

its been such a warm reaction to a story i was a bit worried how it would be taken given that this is very different from my previous games. but this still has my essence running deep within, so im grateful for all the kind words and people recommending this to others

i also updated the game itself some point bit after the launch, it was just a tiny adjustment, mainly just the main menu background has a small slightly more satured variant after completion but yea nothing worth redownloading for if youve already played the game (unless you want to replay it for your own reasons!)

but aahh the biggest update here is with the artbook. i straight up, stupid me, clumsily forgot a page for genny. so thats in now. that is worth donwloading and reading for the people who have bought the artbook. AND THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE WHO DID. the support means a lot. its easy to get stuck in numbers and my brain is bad  and trying to tell me negative things that i know arent true. but its crazy to think how many people have seen what i made and i have touched them somehow. that makes me happy

so um. yea i like making stuff. look forward to my next gayme.

enjoy this awesome fanart i received. if you draw your own i want to see it too


malcatrasmaiden_artbook2024_1.1.pdf 30 MB
21 days ago

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so cool!!! thanks for all your hard work Nadia my bf and i really enjoyed reading this one together!