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(2 edits)

10/10, the final chapter had me feeling like I was being slowly crushed by a hydraulic press

I just finished this and woah. i'm glad i read it!!! it was so emotional and raw, the world you created for this was super intriguing as well, honestly it's rare i finish something and wish there was more! I hope this VN will get the recognition it deserves, it's genuinely THAT good. Thank you for making it <3

i cant even describe how much this game means to me. it's just incredible, you managed to somehow fit so many emotions and feelings and ideas that live inside into something amazing.  i wish i knew how to say more. thank you


11/10, hurt me but also loved me more than my mom did. Liliana is just like me fr, so much gender


Came here to jork it, left wanting to sob  into my pillow. I haven't felt such a strong combination of "fuck you for making this" and "thank you for this beautiful creation".



ohh, silly little goofball. never come to a nadianova game tryna jork it. you'll just end up crying.


feel like someone beat me with a sledgehammer after playing. 10/5 stars


Really, really good. Left me with such a sinking feeling in my stomach after finishing. Great cast of characters and really compelling story. Also, Liliana is puppy doggy and I need to soak her in milk and throw her against a wall.


This game is simply amazing, on another level from the visual novels i played. It has a very specific target audience, that if you're in it, you'll feel like this games was made step by step thinking about you. To make you happy, and to make you hurt. When i finished it, it left me completely struck down, and even now, i feel like I'm drowning in thought of this game, and i think that if i replay, i will see aspects i didn't see before, i have a lot more things to say, but play for yourself! I guarantee you, that at some point, you will be so glad that you played this game.

Liliana is me fr!


wow i am NOT ok after that 

Hi witnes

hi lily :D


Are there any spanking scenes other than that first one?

(2 edits) (+2)

this marks the first time i've ever left a comment on, but holy shit this game had me down apocalyptic and simultaneously aghast/conflicted - i was downright struck at my core.

i realized after i finished that i resonated a lot with lilana, both in a "yay she's just like me fr" and an "oh god" manner.

this game has left me irreparably changed, thank you for making it.

This was so good,,,,

Registered an account just to say... fuck.

This was good, I resonate with the others (if me doing that wouldn't be obvious from the nick) that I really felt with Liliana. I need to curl up into a little ball after this, in a bittersweet way.

Absolute clusterfuck of emoti0ns. The story is good, art is delicious, the characters are PEAK. 12/10, will play more of your games :3


This was so beautiful and also hurt so much.

The art, the music, the sound effects, the writing. Everything felt like a genuine masterclass.

I truly felt for Liliana, and everyone else. Everyone is suffering. 

If there is a sequel, I wish that one day it could have a happy ending, but I don't think I should have my hopes up.


oh god this hit way too close to home i have to go hit a dab and crawl into a ball and molt like a bug 10/10

Devastating as per usual, you never fail to ruin me. Excellent writing, I became Liliana over the course of the story. I accepted into me the despair, the love, the pain and the joy through your words.

Spoilers below:

This resonates deeply with me to the point where it feels as through you pulled the abuse, control, manipulation and isolation directly from my own life. It was devastatingly tender in how it pressed into bruises I thought to be healed. The epilogue physically hurt me. 10/10 work

(2 edits) (+1)

Absolutely loving it, all of your projects are so great and make me feel so so muuuuuuuch, i actually dedicate whole nights to it before my day off chilling and playing, i'm glad i found this page lol

tiny ot: does anyone know which donations are 'better' for the author, if itch io or patreon?


Games like these are why I love visual novels, the emotions in this story were incredibly raw. Phenomenal

fucking broke me



MILF GOT BOD (Mom In Late Fifties + Girl On The Brink Of Death)


weeUGHH ACK COUGH eweuhbEWUAHHH aaaAWAAaaHh huhGHHH huhgH SNIFFFF AAAGH. hhheuuh... hhhheuyh whimper ...hh-hhhhhghh... sniffle sniff weehhh.... hhhoo... hh...


This was a genuine masterpiece. How can something be so beautiful yet so sad at the same time? Liliana deserves the entire universe, I can't help but feel bad for her but also feel content that she's happy how she is. The ending had me shocked, throughout the entire story, Francesca never had any interest in Liliana other than a daughter, and I think Liliana always had known that.


reading the through the artbook after finishing the game was a joy to see your process and thoughts, and the second to last page explaining francesca's abilities in objective truth was truly gut wrenching



10/10 banger it helped me to finally get my friend on hrt weirdly enough,,, i guess doomed toxic yuri is pretty powerful,,,,


True friends manipulate to transition <33

true !!!


holy fuck.

this is heart-wrenching, beautiful, strange, elegant, terrifying. i don't know how to process this... thank you, nadia, for your continued great writing.

for readers, expect a bit less outright sex than hopeless junction, for example. still very hot and weird and gay. but huge feels. huge ginormous feels.

holy fucking shiiiit! i was so fucking sad at the ending. but holyy shit. 100% recommend. the bgm fucking rock.

what transpired between lili and everyone else? relatable in ways that are unimaginable. but also heart wrecking. holy shit. i need to sit down and let it all soaked in. wow. this is such a sad piece of fiction, had me mourning over characters.. what can i say?

but with wordless things to say, i have to thank you so much for sparking ideas and inspirations and things i didnt think about. thank you so much, i enjoyed it and absolutely crashed by it. thank you really TToTT


Your works scratch the creative side of brain in a very stimulating way. It's been so long since I've been able to get back into this mindset and channel it into creative writing.

Thank you very much for all the incredible experiences, and for this one in particular. As always the writing is powerful, but the overall quality is even higher this time around.

I should play it again from the start and see where it'll take my mind this time.


Aaaaand of course you put a .gif of the spanking scene right near the top of the page.  Honestly, that's probably the single most on-brand thing you possibly could've done, lol

All jokes aside, this VN turned out spectacularly~!  This is easily your best work yet, Nadia—and I say that despite having been completely blown away by Hopeless Junction just a year prior!  Watching Malmaid come together was an absolute delight, and I'm yet more pleased still to have had the opportunity to help you polish it up~

For everyone reading this comment who hasn't yet experienced Malmaid, stop dragging your feet about it and just read the damn thing already.  It's well worth it, I promise~

Shana is a babe, but my heart goes out to Millarca and especially Imogen forever.  Also, the track Aeon of Maiden has low-key been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it, heheheh~


Um... WOW. was not expecting this to be so good jesus christ. The ending wasn't happy per say but it very much contributes to the story overall and it's very well written in my opinion. Very sad ab Millarca tho she was so sweet 😔


Honestly just incredible. The moment I understood everything that was going on was such a huge gut punch. And there's so many great little details; I adore the mouth movement on the sprites!

...I love Millarca so much...


Intoxicating story, gorgeous visuals, and phenomenal music. S tier goofy ahh gay ass bussin vn.


Absolutely amazing work. Just fantastic scene building into even more fantastic scene. I will be thinking about the final scene, about its emotion and conflict, for a long time.


I'm pretty early in at the moment, but holy shit this is amazing. Keep up the good work!


Holy shit this was intense in every way possible

I truly cannot put into words how amazing this is



made an account just to say holy fuck. this was a fucking experience & a half jesus christ

i went into this blind & im so glad i did holy pissing fuck if you're reading this i urge you to do the same. came for the art & stayed for the story amazin gwork


yet another banger


. May I ask if there is a Chinese translation available? If not, I hope he will have one in the future


hey yeah so i self inserted too hard and related too hard to the point i went catatonic during the epilogue out of sheer shock, jealousy, envy, and disgust and YET i still wish it were me. thank you for this gift 11/10

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